Vietnam Embassy in Qatar

Embassy of the Socialist republic of Vietnam in the State of Qatar Address: Villa No. 8 (Near Saha 109 street), West Bay Lagoon, Doha, Qatar ​Tel: (+974) 4412 8480 or (+974) 4412 8365 or (+974) 4412 8366 Consular section: (+974) 4412 8993 Fax: (+974) 4412 8370

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? – E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? – E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

Have you ever heard about Vietnam electronic visa? Vietnam e-Visa is a new type of visa for travelers to enter Vietnam by any international ports, any transportation means and get in online via email. Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg?

What is Vietnam Electronic Visa? (Vietnam E-Visa)

Firstly, you need to know the meaning of Vietnam e-Visa. This is another online Vietnam Visa for foreigners to Vietnam. With this type of visa, you will receive a visa code on your letter via email and you don’t have to pay stamping fee upon arrival.

In contrast to Vietnam visa on arrival, Vietnam e-visa allows foreigners to enter this country at any international ports such as land ports, seaports or airports and this is one-month single entry visa for tourist or business purpose only. Therefore, it’s very useful for travelers who would like to enter Vietnam for a one-month single entry.

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? - E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

However, it is only a visa code, you will not have a visa sticker on your passport and you have to bring that letter with the visa code together with your passport during the time in Vietnam.

What countries can get Vietnam e-Visa?

In the beginning, the Vietnam Immigration Department allows citizens of 40 countries can get Vietnam E-visa but now it’s changed into 80 nationalities as below:

1 AND Andorra
2 ARG Argentina
3 ARM Armenia
4 AUS Australia
5 AUT Austria
6 AZE Azerbaijan
7 BLR Belarus
8 BEL Belgium
9 BIH Bosnia and Herzegovina
10 BRA Brazil
11 BRN Bruney
12 BGR Bulgaria
13 CAN Canada
14 CHL Chile
15 CHN China
  • Including Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR passport holders
  • Not apply to Chinese e-passport holders
16 COL Colombia
17 HRV Croatia
18 CUB Cuba
19 CYP Cyprus
20 CZE Czech Republic
21 DNK Denmark
22 EST Estonia
23 FJI Fiji
24 FIN Finland
25 FRA France
26 GEO Georgia
27 DE Germany
28 GRC Greece
29 HUN Hungary
30 ISL Iceland
31 IND India
32 IRL Ireland
33 ITA Italy
34 JPN Japan
35 KAZ Kazakhstan
36 KOR Korea (South)
37 LVA Latvia
38 LIE Liechtenstein
39 LTU Lithuania
40 LUX Luxembourg
41 MKD Macedonia The former Yugoslav of
42 MLT Malta
43 MHL Marshall Islands
44 MEX Mexico
45 FSM Micronesia Federated States of
46 MDA Moldova
47 MCO Monaco
48 MNG Mongolia
49 MNE Montenegro
50 MMR Myanmar
51 NRU Nauru
52 NLD Netherland
53 NZL New Zealand
54 NOR Norway
55 PLW Palau
56 PAN Panama
57 PNG Papua New Guinea
58 PER Peru
59 PHL Philippines
60 POL Poland
61 PRT Portugal
62 QAT Qatar
63 ROU Romania
64 RUS Russia
65 WSM Samoa
66 SMR San Marino
67 SRB Serbia
68 SVK Slovakia
69 SVN Slovenia
70 SLB Solomon Islands
71 ESP Spain
72 SWE Sweden
73 CHE Switzerland
74 TLS Timor Leste
75 ARE United Arab Emirates
76 GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
77 USA United States of America
78 URY Uruguay
79 VUT Vanuatu
80 VEN Venezuela

If you are in this list, you can get Vietnam E-Visa for 1-month single entry visa and tourist or business purpose. If you stay over 1 month and multiple entries, Vietnam visa on arrival is the best choice.

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible for Luxembourg citizens?

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? - E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

On the list of every traveler in SE Asia, Vietnam is one of the most popular countries that they tend to go. The foreigners arriving to Vietnam these days have many questions about Vietnam e-visa which is officially launched on February 1, 2017 by the Vietnamese Government in its pilot plan until February 1, 2021, that makes the movement from foreign countries to this country be simpler. According to the program, citizens from 46 countries can get their E-visa electronically.

We are happy to inform that,  Luxembourg citizens are eligible for Vietnam e-visa! In the first stage of this plan, this kind of visa is available for just 80 nationals including  Luxembourg.

How much does Vietnam e-Visa cost?

There are two types of E-visa which you can apply for. They are one-month tourist visa for single entry with the fee is 35 USD and one-month Business visa for single entry with 45 USD. No stamping fee is paid at Ports of arrival.

Requirements of Vietnam e-Visa in Luxembourg?

What do I need to show when entering Vietnam?

When entering Vietnam, you must present a printed copy of the E-visa, accompany with your passport.

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? - E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

Important information you need to consider before applying

  • An Vietnam Evisa is valid for 30 days with single entry, from the proposed date of entry indicated during the application and Vietnam visa on arrival is the option you should choose for multiple entries or a stay in excess of 30 days. You can also find out ways to apply for visa on arrival by reading
  • When having Vietnam Evisa, you can remain in this country for a maximum of 30 consecutive days after the initial entry date.
  • Luxembourg nationals wanting to visit Vietnam must have their passport with at least 6-month validity from the planned date of entry.
  • Your passport must be valid for at least one months after arrival in Vietnam and it must have at least 2 blank pages for the immigration and border control officer.
  • Minors who have their own passport must complete a full E-visa application. Minors who are 14 and under and included on their parent’s passport will have to be included on their parents E-visa application.
  • Applicants are also needed to carry a copy of their E-visa at all times during their stay.

How to apply online for Vietnam E-visa?

Is Vietnam e-Visa eligible in Luxembourg? - E-visa vietnamien au Luxembourg

The Luxembourg applicants satisfy above regulation can make an application for Vietnam e-visa. They will need to follows 3 steps below:

  • Step 1: Complete the online form in the websites Photo uploaded must be recent taken photos with bare face shown, straight looking with no glasses;
  • Step 2: Get the application code and pay the service fee with your credit/debit card;
  • Step 3: Use the code to check the result, if approved, print off e-visa and use the document at airports.

Time needed to let the applicants know if their applications approved or not is three (03) working days. A PDF file of the visa will be sent to successful applicant to print off and use at the arrival airports (8 international airports including Noi Bai in Hanoi, Tan San Nhat in HCMC and Danang in Danang) and border crossings.

Applying Vietnam visa on Arrival, you can get your Vietnam visa in Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Differdange, Dudelange, Ettelbruck, Diekirch, Echternach or any cities in Luxembourg. Let’s apply visa at!

*** is operated by VIETNAM VISA SERVICE., Co. LTD VIETNAM with more than 18-years experience in visa service and 20-year in traveling arrangement. This website was set up to offer visa applicants the most convenient but cheapest services that meet the criteria of Quality, Safe and Secure; Reliability, Prompt Responses, Competitive Prices, and Customer-Focused Approach; save your time & money; Money back guarantees for declined applications

If you have any further queries, comments or feedback, do not hesitate to contact us at Hotline: +84 968 18 77 18/ WhatsApp: +84 – 982 879718 or Email: [email protected]/ Fanpage:

Vietnam Embassy in Qatar

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